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In A Book That Will Build Your Authority, Celebrity and Expert Status!

...even if you have no writing experience!

Join the first book in the Women's Entrepreneur Network series and become a best selling author at the very beginning of 2023!

Become a contributing author in the very first book being published by Women's Entrepreneur Network.

You can create real change. 

How have you achieved abundance in your life, now share that knowledge.

Share your story, share your impact.

Become a Best Selling Author!

No experience needed!

Take the lead as an authority on Abundance while attracting a new stream of leads and clients! Don't miss the opportunity to be in the very first book!

Questions to ask yourself...

What does Abundance mean to you? How do you achieve Abundance? Where are you most Abundant in your life? How did you get there?

Abundance is so much more than just money.

Abundance is always present in your life, you only need to look for it!

We are creating a collaborative Abundance book to share with all women to teach them how to be and feel truly abundant!

Share your journey!

There is a reason why you decided to become a part of the family. You will help women to connect to your story so that they can have an insight into the home and life of someone who is truly abundant.

Share your business!

Many women don't realize how little it can take to make a difference within their business. We want you to share how you have called in abundance to your business or personal life to manifest what you want and recognise what you have, whilst also highlighting what you do for any readers that may be looking for your services. ted

Organized and Easy Process!

Work with one of the best in collaboration book creation and get weekly group coaching, a guided workbook, a private Facebook™ Group and control over your content right up until publishing!

Best Seller Campaign

Anyone can publish a book but to publish a GREAT book and hit BEST SELLER status quickly takes a great team. This is your opportunity to be a part of that team!

Best Selling Author Package

  • Up to 3,500 words

  • Bi-Weekly Writing Coaching Calls

  • Guided Workbook and Planner

  • Membership in Private Facebook™ Group for Authors

  • Private Messenger™ chat for project

  • Reduced price on Author copies for resale

    And so much more

Investment: $997

Meet the Publisher

EVERY client that has worked with Melissa has become a Best Selling author within 2 months. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Beata went from no idea what to write to being a Best Selling author in 2 HUGE categories, in less than 2 months!

"…She has been such a powerhouse and massive support to my success I cannot express how much I freaking love her…" Carla-Jayne Hollingworth

Testimonials for Melissa's Program...

Firstly, I have been in 2 international best sellers now, almost geared up for a third.

Also, I created my latest opt in (eBook) for my membership launch - from conception to release in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS.

(...over 60 sign ups since release Jan 16th)

I did all that only because of Melissa. She has been such a powerhouse and massive support to my success I cannot express how much I freaking love her.

Since working with her, I have learned how to write my story efficiently, quickly and get it out there.


New Leaf Your Life

My work with Melissa Mansfield-Anderson has been amazing. She makes every component of the process completely easy. She fuels you with exactly what you need, so that you can achieve the outcome desired for financially and personally.

Every time I turned around, Melissa had another resource for us to use to further our cause and promote the books. She is a pleasure to work with, and engaging editor!

I will always choose to work with Melissa at every opportunity.


Safe In Harms Way

...all of the sparks in the world do not always get you across the finish line. Sometimes you need a guide. Melissa, you have been that for me.  

Today, my book was visible on Amazon!! I cried and laughed at the same time. Who would have thought a woman in her late 40's from LaGrange, GA would be writing her first book and starting a coaching business? You not only motivated me to finish my book but helped me to build my business from scratch! You are a godsend and I am so grateful for you!


The Real Doree O

Before I embraced Instagram... I was stuck. 


I worked in a 9-5 job. I was stuck in the same office chair all day!

Me, being a tad dramatic.

I craved the freedom to travel more that 2 weeks a year.

I knew I wanted to be my own boss – I just wasn't sure how.

I had a small freelance business on the side, but I didn't know how I'd earn a long-term income.

I'll bet you can relate if...

You’re feeling overwhelmed in the sea of everyone else trying to grow their own brand on Instagram

You’re super confused by all the advice from bloggers, self-proclaimed gurus, and “Insta-famous” peeps

You’re tired of the daily grind. You see other people living "the dream," but you’re just not sure how to get there yourself 

  •   You’re feeling overwhelmed in the sea of everyone else trying to grow their own brand on Instagram
  •   You’re super confused by all the advice from bloggers, self-proclaimed gurus, and “Insta-famous” peeps
  •  You’re tired of the daily grind. You see other people living "the dream," but you’re just not sure how to get there yourself 
It wasn't until I "cracked the Insta code" that I reached my dream lifestyle.


Manifesting Abundance

Be a part of the movement that helps women achieve their own Abundance!

Inside InstaGrowth Boss, you'll LEARN...

  •  How to choose your account's purpose and its ideal audience (this gets rid of SO much confusion)
  •  Strategic ways to set up your account so that it attracts quality followers
  •  Steps to design your feed and plan your content, so that it DOESN'T take hours each day
  •  Step-by-step growth strategies that are easy to do... starting TODAY
  •  Tools that make your entire Insta-life easier
  •  How to monetize your Instagram account as an INFLUENCER, with press kit & email templates
  •  How to book more clients for your SERVICE-BASED BIZ, with opt-ins and done-for-you email templates
  •  How to drive sales to your ONLINE SHOP, and work with influencers to grow your brand’s reach

Here's the thing...

  • You DO NOT need to have any writing experience 
  • ​Your story doesn't need to involve fighting tigers, bears or overcoming insane obstacles
  • ​Yes, people really do want to read your story. Your story is going to impact hundreds, even thousands of corporate employees over the years

"Such a neat, easy process- I highly recommend working with Melissa!" Haley Gray

What you get with this collaboration

Your chapter of up to 3,500 words

  • Up to 3,500 words to tell your inspirational story of abundance

  • Include up to 3 photos and your biography

  • Highlight your business and how you can be a resource

  • No wasted time trying to figure out what to say or worrying about published quality

  • Professionally edited and formatted

  •  $3,597 value

Guided Workbook & Live Coaching

  • Physical workbook that will guide you through telling your story

  • Using a proven flow, your story is ensured to keep readers engaged

  • 12 one hour, weekly coaching calls to answer questions and provide writing support

  • Keep all your work organized in our private Author's Hub where only you and I will have access

  • Learn the process that you can repeat over and over to write your OWN books

  • $6,294 value

Best Seller Status

  • Get the social media graphics you need in newsfeed and story size

  • Full group marketing strategy for a Best Seller Day

  • Enjoy your new authority as a Best Selling Author

  •  $2,500 value

Print and e-Book Publishing

  • e-Book will be published first

  • Print will be released within 30 days of e-Book, allowing you to presell copies and make a profit

  • Marketing ideas session to teach you how to use the new book to increase your own income

  • Reduced cost copies for life. Order anytime for reduced price copies to sell at cover value

  •  $1,997 value

In total? 

Worth $16,185

Investment: $997

"I hit 30K!! 

I've also made $650 for 2 promoted posts, I've gotten 3 new clients, 4,300 new followers and I got a spot in Glamour Magazine."



“Freelance Biz in a Box gave me the tools and the confidence to cut the cord with my boss of 20 years and venture into the world of the #digitalnomad! Elise has brilliantly figured out how to grow her own business and generously passes along her knowledge to her tribe. 

My business is Instagram marketing and I am still taking Elise’s InstaGrowth Boss course because she knows it better! 

The world of digital marketing is changing so quickly that you need a trusted resource to keep up. Elise is my gal.”



"Another awesome testimonial!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante."

"Another awesome testimonial!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante."



"Another awesome testimonial!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante."



Who is your product for?

Target Audience #1


specific title A, specific title B, specific title C

  • Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #1
  • Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #2
  • Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #3
  • Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #4

Target Audience #2


specific title A, specific title B, specific title C

  • Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #1
  •  Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #2
  •  Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #3
  •  Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #4

Target Audience #3


specific title A, specific title B, specific title C

  • Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #1
  •  Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #2
  •  Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #3
  •  Specific benefit or ideal goal for this target audience #4

Curious to know more about what you will learn/gain out of Product XYZ?

Armed with Features X, Y, and Z, 

here’s EXACTLY what’s included in Product A.

(If you're selling a course or educational product, this is where you could break down your curriculum or learning modules so that your customer knows exactly what they will be learning + be teased by the interesting-sounding lessons.)


  • Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #1
  • Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #2
  • Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #3
  • Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #4


  •  Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #1
  •  Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #2
  •  Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #3
  •  Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #4


  • Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #1
  •  Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #2
  •  Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #3
  •  Specifics of what is included in this part of your product + what it will help them achieve #4

Join today and get access to a special LIVE edition of the course.

Join InstaGrowth Boss & get access to the LIVE teachings of this course, including:

  • Pillar 1 Q&A Live Chat: Tuesday, November 7th (replay now available)
  •  Pillar 2 Q&A Live Chat: Tuesday, November 14th (replay now available)
  •  Pillar 3 Q&A Live Chat: Tuesday, November 21st (replay now available)
  •  Brand New Live Training on Instagram Stories: Tuesday, November 28th

Who is your product for and who is it NOT for?

Let's go back to those "wild wild west" days...

I’ve been growing Instagram accounts through various methods since 2013, when very few brands had realized Instagram's potential. 

So I've spent YEARS...

...Reaching out to influencers, representing my client brands.

...Running giveaways and contests, for my client brands.

And I've been in the app literally every. single. day. since then.

Then, just last year...

I decide to “walk my own talk” with my personal Instagram account @elisedarma – to grow my marketing services business, and to lock in more clients.

When I first started...

In the spring of 2016, I had about 3,000 followers. They were from my years of experimenting with random methods, but to be honest, I didn't pay much attention to my personal account then – I mean, I had client accounts to grow! 

But then I made a switch...

By the summer of 2016, I reached 5,000 followers. That was July 1st.

By September 1st, I reached the coveted 10K mark

And then 30K by November. 

And 50K by February. 

It took just over 6 months to get there from start to finish. 

Along the way, I was building my other social audiences from scratch (including my mailing list, Facebook, and Pinterest profiles), so I had NO OTHER pre-existing community to move over to my Instagram. 

And nope! I never received a major media feature, or coverage by other blogs or Instagram accounts to boost my growth.

That’s why I know my method works. 

Because after years of testing Instagram methods for my clients, I put my OWN personal account to the ultimate test.

And it worked.

That means...

Whether you're growing a personal account, a blog, a service-based business or an online shopyou can replicate the exact methods I took to grow these types of accounts… in a fraction of the time and cost.

This product is for you if you're...

  •  Personality, trait or behavior of your ideal customer #1 (ie. You're ready to stop making excuses, ready to put in whatever work necessary to see results and change your life today!)
  •  Personality, trait or behavior of your ideal customer #2 + also secretly include some attractive results of your product (ie. in order to ideal beach body, in order to generate endless sales)
  •  Personality, trait or behavior of your ideal customer #3
  •  Personality, trait or behavior of your ideal customer #4
  •  Personality, trait or behavior of your ideal customer #5

This product is not for you if you're...

  •  Personality, trait or behavior that would NOT be a good fit for your course #1
  •  Personality, trait or behavior that would NOT be a good fit for your course #2
  •  Personality, trait or behavior that would NOT be a good fit for your course #3
  •  Personality, trait or behavior that would NOT be a good fit for your course #4

Include some information on your return policy! (Optional)

One-sentence summary on your refund policy to lessen the risk your customers feel at this point!

Include a link to your full refund policy here.

Don’t Miss Your Opportunity to be FIRST!

The Women's Entrepreneur Network Series Collaborative Book for Abundance!

"Goodbye overwhelm, hello published book! Awesome resource. Thank you Melissa for sharing this process with the world!" Michelle Lowery

Join the Project Today!

Your InfoYour information is safe with us!
No products available
We never share your information
 All orders processed over a secure network.

Questions? melissa@mansfieldanderson.com



What if I Have No Idea Where to Start?

No problem! I didn't either. But I spent 3 years learning everything you need to know to write, prepare, market and publish your Best Seller. One of my best coaches always tells me...Do It Scared! Because then when it is done it will feel even more rewarding! 

Do I Need to Have Any Writing Experience?

No! Most of my clients have had none yet all 32 became Best Selling Authors in the past year!

Are There Ways I Can Use My Book to Make Money Besides Book Sales

YES! We will cover these during the process

Q. How quickly can I start making money with my book?

A. Before it's even published. I have a client that landed a 4 figure client just talking about her upcoming release!

Q. Will I learn anything I can apply immediately?

A. YES! Not only will you be ready to actually start writing your chapter you will learn how I structure story so that you can multiply your marketing content 5X to grow your audience! 


From 1st call to Best Seller in 2 months!

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